初めての生徒・青獅子の学級 Students of the Blue Lions
Blue Lions Classroom
アネット: えっ、新しい先生って、まさか……あわわ、あたし、友達みたいに話しかけちゃって……
Annette: Wait, does this mean our new professor is― No! I really can't believe it! But I was speaking to you so casually, as though we were companions!
Oh, I am so sorry, Professor; you just look the same age as the rest of us, and... Oh, and I’m sorry I just said that too! I really must watch my tongue…
Byleth: 構わない I don't mind if you treat me as a friend.
アネット: そ、そんなこと言われても……。
Annette: You say that, but...I just don't know about all of this.
ディミトリ: ええ、こちらの気が済みません。
Dimitri: I'll admit, it doesn't sit well with me either. After all, we wish to show you due respect.
シルヴァン: 先生が言うんだし、いいんじゃないですか?つーか、それを言ったらですよ、殿下……
Sylvain: Sure, but if the professor says it OK, shouldn’t that be enough? That is, if Your Highness can consent to such a thing.
After all, we’re already speaking this way to our future king, so we may as well relax our speech with our professor too, right?
ディミトリ: いや、ここは王国ではないんだし、それとこれとはまた別の話で……
Dimitri: Well, we’re not in the Kingdom, so it only goes to follow that we should all speak companionably...
ディミトリ: ……だがまあ、先生がそれでいいならありがたくその厚意に甘えるとしようか。
Dimitri: I concede. If the professor says it’s fine, we ought to accept that kindness gratefully.
イングリット: あの、ですが私には……染みついた癖というのは、どうにも……。
Ingrid: As for me, I'm not sure I can manage.
メルセデス: 難しいなら、無理することないわよ~。ね、先生もそれでいいでしょう?
Mercedes: You don’t have to force yourself if it’s too difficult. You’re fine with that too, right, Professor?
シルヴァン: 先生は器がでかいなあ、素敵だ!あっ、結婚を前提に、俺とお茶でも……
Sylvain: Such benevolence is a sight to behold! I don't suppose you would care to join me for tea? We could discuss education...and marriage.
フェリクス: ……待て、シルヴァン。こいつには用がある。
Felix: Control yourself, Sylvain. I have more important matters to discuss with our new professor.
フェリクス: ……そういえば、先ほどお前に言ったな。剣を交える日を楽しみにしている、と。
Felix: Having heard of your skills, I'm eager to meet you in battle.
フェリクス: 後で訓練場に来い。まずはお前の腕を見せてもらいたい。
Felix: Come to the training ground later. There, you will show me what you’re capable of.
ディミトリ: 抜け駆けとは感心しないな、フェリクス。その試合、是非俺も交ぜてくれ。
Dimitri: You aren't wasting any time, are you, Felix? As it were, count me in for any such battle.
フェリクス: ……チッ。
Felix: Hmph.
アッシュ: あ、あのっ! 後学のため、僕も見学させていただきたいんですが!
Ashe: Pardon me, but I would also love to observe you in battle, for future reference. If that’s OK with you.
ディミトリ: アッシュ。見るだけと言わず、お前も加わればいいだろう。
Dimitri: Ashe, I don’t have you speak of merely watching. You should join us as well.
メルセデス: ふふっ、怪我した時は私に言ってね~。ちょっとした傷なら、すぐに看てあげるわ。
Mercedes: If you get injured, simply say the word and I’ll patch you up straight away!
ドゥドゥー: ……殿下。あまり羽目を外され過ぎぬよう。
Dedue: Your Highness, do take care not to go overboard.
ディミトリ: お前は心配性だな、ドゥドゥー。大丈夫、自重はするさ。
Dimitri: You worry too much, Dedue. I'll be fine, I promise.
シルヴァン: なあ……親睦を深めるのに剣を交えるって、何か根本的に間違ってると思うんだけど?
Sylvain: My companions, is there not something inherently wrong with crossing blades, as a way to bond with each other?
イングリット: あら、そうかしら。そういうことなら、あなただけ教室で留守番してる?
Ingrid: Huh, I never thought of it that way. Well, if that’s how you feel, I suppose you’ll just stay behind while the rest of us are at the training ground?
シルヴァン: イングリット……お前さあ、ほんっと俺に対して手厳しいよなあ……。
Sylvain: Ingrid, my dearest friend! You really are too hard on me.
Ingrid, my dearest friend! 好きyupeco.icon
ディミトリ: ……先生。青獅子の学級は、見てのとおりの騒がしい学級だ。
Dimitri: Well then, Professor, what do you think? As you can see, the Blue Lion House is a lively bunch, but you’ll fined none who work harder.
I’m certain we’ll cause our fair share of trouble, but I’m very much looking forward to the year ahead.